Expanded Learning Opportunities (Before & After School)
OGSD offers a variety of before- and after-school program options to meet the diverse needs of our school community. Starting in the fall of the 2023-2024 school year, a new after-school Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) is available at all TK-6 grade school sites.
With the introduction of the state-funded ELO-P, there are some additions and changes to our previous program partners. All families interested in participating in either our district-run BASE program or the partner-run Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs must submit an annual application form. Please note that program providers may vary by school site and funding source.
Alex Anderson Elementary School
Julia Baldwin Elementary School
Del Roble Elementary School (4-6th) & Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program (TK-8th)*
Earl Frost Elementary School
Indigo Program @ Frost
Elementary Campus (K-8th)*
Leonard Herman Intermediate School
(7th-8th) & AdVENTURE STEM
Program (5th-8th)*
ELO-P/Parent Paid Provider: Right at Schools
Rita Ledesma Elementary School
Parent Paid Provider: Champions
ELO-P Provider: Think Together
Santa Teresa Elementary School
Parent Paid Provider: BASE
Parent Paid Provider: Catalyst Kids
Bertha Taylor Elementary
School (TK-6th)
2025/2026 ELOP Enrollment
Phase 1. March 1st-April 1st
Seniority Enrollment: For currently identified unduplicated pupils enrolled in and regularly attending an OGSD ELOP program. (Students will NOT be rolled over each school year so families must re-enroll each year).
Phase 2. April 1st-May 1st
Priority Enrollment: For all currently identified unduplicated pupils who wish to enroll in an ELOP program for Summer 25 or the 25/26 School Year.
Phase 3. May 1-June 1st
Secondary Enrollment: For all unduplicated pupils regularly attending an OGSD ELOP program who may have been Reclassified English Learners and verified siblings of unduplicated pupils as space permits.
Phase 4. June 1–July 1st
Staff Enrollment: For children of OGSD staff as space permits.
Phase 5. July 1st - ongoing
New Enrollment: For all new/ incoming Unduplicated Students. Please complete an Educational Benefits Form to see if you qualify!!
Oak Grove School District's Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs (ELO-P) will be offered at no charge to qualifying students who are identified/qualified as Unduplicated Pupils (UP): experiencing Homelessness/Foster Youth, and Low income. Following the state mandate, OGSD students who qualify for ELO-P will be given priority to enroll in partner programs provided by Boys & Girls Club, Right at Schools or Think Together each school year. Registration windows will be open in phases and approved based on availability of space and priority for qualified students.
Priority 1: Students Experiencing Homelessness/Foster Youth
Priority 2: Student Qualifying as Low-income (qualify for free and reduced-price meals)
Priority 3: District Identified English Language Learners
All other students who register for an ASES/ELO-P funded program, but do not meet the criteria, will be put on a waiting list until further notice. Once the district confirms that all priority slots have been filled, additional slots may become available based on site capacity and through a priority/lottery system or for a family fee, at the district's discretion. Families who need help finding resources and/or information for childcare should visit the SCC R&R Program. For questions regarding After School Education and Safety (ASES) or Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs (ELO-P) please email LDemaree@ogsd.net.