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Expanded Learning Opportunities (Before & After School)

OGSD offers a variety of before- and after-school program options to meet the diverse needs of our school community. Starting in the fall of the 2023-2024 school year, a new after-school Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) is available at all TK-6 grade school sites.

With the introduction of the state-funded ELO-P, there are some additions and changes to our previous program partners. All families interested in participating in either our district-run BASE program or the partner-run Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs must submit an annual application form. Please note that program providers may vary by school site and funding source.

Santa Teresa Logo 2

Santa Teresa Elementary School

Parent Paid Provider: BASE

Parent Paid Provider: Catalyst Kids 

ELO-P Provider: Right at Schools
Taylor Logo

Bertha Taylor Elementary
School (TK-6th)

Parent Paid Provider: BASE
Parent Paid/ELO-P Provider: Right at Schools
ELO-P Provider: Think Together
Oak Ridge Logo

Oak Ridge Elementary School

Parent Paid Provider: BASE
ELO-P Provider: Think Together
Parkview Elementary School

Parkview Elementary School

Parent Paid Provider: Catalyst Kids 
ELO-P Provider: Think Together
Sakamoto Logo

Sakamoto Elementary School

Parent Paid Provider: BASE
ELO-P Provider: Think Together

2025/2026 ELOP Enrollment 

  • Phase 1. March 1st-April 1st

    • Seniority Enrollment: For currently identified  unduplicated pupils enrolled in and regularly attending an OGSD ELOP program. (Students will NOT be rolled over each school year so families must re-enroll each year).

  • Phase 2. April 1st-May 1st

    • Priority Enrollment: For all currently identified unduplicated pupils who wish to enroll in an ELOP program for Summer 25 or the 25/26 School Year.

  • Phase 3. May 1-June 1st  

    • Secondary Enrollment: For all  unduplicated pupils regularly attending an OGSD ELOP program  who may have been Reclassified English Learners and verified siblings of unduplicated pupils as space permits.  

  • Phase 4. June 1–July 1st

    • Staff Enrollment: For children of OGSD staff as space permits. 

  • Phase 5. July 1st - ongoing 

    • New Enrollment: For all new/ incoming Unduplicated Students. Please complete an Educational Benefits Form to see if you qualify!!

Oak Grove School District's Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs (ELO-P) will be offered at no charge to qualifying students who are identified/qualified as Unduplicated Pupils (UP):  experiencing Homelessness/Foster Youth, and Low income. Following the state mandate, OGSD students who qualify for ELO-P will be given priority to enroll in partner programs provided by  Boys & Girls Club, Right at Schools or Think Together each school year. Registration windows will be open in phases and approved based on availability of space and priority for qualified students.

  • Priority 1: Students Experiencing Homelessness/Foster Youth

  • Priority 2: Student Qualifying as Low-income (qualify for free and reduced-price meals)

  • Priority 3: District Identified English Language Learners

All other students who register for an ASES/ELO-P funded program, but do not meet the criteria, will be put on a waiting list until further notice. Once the district confirms that all priority slots have been filled, additional slots may become available based on site capacity and through a priority/lottery system or for a family fee, at the district's discretion. Families who need help finding resources and/or information for childcare should visit the SCC R&R ProgramFor questions regarding After School Education and Safety (ASES) or Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs (ELO-P) please email