District Committees
- District Advisory Committee
- District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC)
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
- Koffee Klatch
District Advisory Committee
District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Oak Grove School District is focused on
diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB)
for all students, staff, and families.
The District and Board of Trustees adopted a resolution denouncing racism and white supremacy and supporting equity, wellbeing and safety of black people. A district DEIB committee meets regularly to fulfill that resolution.
- Establish a district-wide DEIB Committee, a standing committee of the district, with the year-round task of developing DEIB initiatives and policies.
- Provide updates to the Board at each regular Board Meeting and possible recommended policies for Board consideration and approval.
The DEIB Committee will set the DEIB policy/initiative annual priorities and begin the process of drafting a district-wide equity policy/Board Policy that addresses equity and board/district decision-making.
It is our interest to create the most diverse, equitable, and inclusive educational environment for our students and workplace for our staff.
The resolution extends our recognitions into action by enabling our district staff and Board of Trustees to further explore Ethnic Studies and how that could look like in the Oak Grove School District in terms of subject matter, implementation, fiscal costs/LCAP commitments. The purpose of this adoption committee is to convene district stakeholders to learn, study and discuss Ethnic Studies in the district and to formulate recommendations to the Board of Trustees and district staff in time for LCAP 2020-2023 adoption in June 2020.
- Follow the district process for considering new curricular content by creating an Ethnic Studies Adoption Committee.
- Consistent with the Oak Grove School District curriculum adoption process, the stakeholder group will research Ethnic Studies curriculum, review relevant materials, consider the scope of piloting the curriculum with the ultimate goal of presenting a recommendation to the Superintendent and ultimately, the Board of Trustees.
- Final recommendations on any district-wide implementation and inclusion in the 2020-2023 LCAP will be presented by the Educational Services Division outlining the pace and cost of implementation.
RESOLUTION: Denouncing Racism and White Supremacy, and Supporting Equity, Wellbeing and Safety of Black People and that #BlackLivesMatter
RESOLUTION: Condemning the Violent, Seditious Actions at our National Capitol Inflicted by President Donald Trump
- 13 Principles of Black Lives Matter
- Creating a Space to Talk About Race in Your School
- Resources - Talking about Race and Racism
- LGBTQ+ Resources
13 Principles of Black Lives Matter
13 Principles of Black Lives Matter
The national Black Lives Matter At School coalition’s created a Curriculum Resource guide related to the 13 principles of Black Lives Matter. The resource guide is free, and has downloadable lessons to challenge racism, oppression and build happy and healthy classrooms.
Creating a Space to Talk About Race in Your School
Creating the Space to Talk About Race in Your School
This four page article from the National Education Association Ed Justice gives 10 ways you can create the space to talk about racism in your school. Creating the space is the first step to making changes.
Resources - Talking about Race and Racism
- PBS resources, tips, and tools to foster meaningful conversations about race, racism, and being anti-racist.
- Anti-Racism videos to share with children from We are Teachers.
- Embracerace.org has a list of books to help support conversations about race with children. Click here to find out more information.
- Young adult social justice book list.
- BrainPop Resources for Anti-Racist Education To help you engage in essential conversations with kids. It takes a historical perspective on institutionalized racism and the fight against it, and highlights courageous activists who have changed the world for the better.
LGBTQ+ Resources
- Message to Staff and Community June 1st, 2020
- Black History Education Resources
- District Commitment to Equality