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Glider Property

The sale of Glider provides a financial resource to keep valuable programs and services that supports all students in Oak Grove. 

Community input opportunities began in 2017 when the district began considering the closure of the Glider property. The property closed in 2018 and has remained empty with no viable lease offers. The lease and/or sale of Glider has been discussed during open public meetings of the School Consolidation Committee, Surplus Property Committee, Regular and Special Board Meetings and Community Forums. 


In September 2017 a Board appointed School Consolidation Advisory Committee convened to address long-term, systemic challenges for the District: significant decline in students, increasing costs, historic state underfunding and other financial demands. The Board established a process that would be open and transparent with wide-ranging community participation of District stakeholders, parents, teachers, staff, and community. These meetings and community forums were open to the public and several meetings were attended by 300 to 400 attendees. The committee completed their charge and presented four schools to the School Board for closure consideration with the goal of closing three schools. Ultimately, the Board voted to close two schools, Glider Elementary and Miner Elementary. The school closures would reduce the operational and administrative cost for the schools. Additionally, the Board would seek opportunities to generate revenue for the closed properties.  

In 2018 Glider Elementary School closed and was marketed for lease. No viable lease offers were made at any time for the Glider School as potential tenants communicated a requirement for lease terms longer than the state statutes regulating the long-term lease of District owned properties. 

On November 14, 2019 the Board appointed a 7-11 District Advisory Committee (“7-11 Committee”) to advise the District and Board on the use and/or disposition of District surplus property with respect to the Glider, Miner and District Office Properties.

January 16, 2020 the Board formally deemed Glider to be surplus property.

On March 12, 2020 the Board adopted Resolution No. 1343-03/20, Declaring the District’s Intention to Sell or Lease Surplus Real Property and Directing Staff and Consultants to Proceed with Sale or Lease of Surplus Real Property. The Board also adopted Resolution No. 1344-03/21, to request a State Board of Education waiver to allow the Board to evaluate proposals for the lease or sale of surplus property and determine which proposals best suit the needs of the school district. Without the waiver, the district would be required to accept the highest bid proposal regardless of the potential impact it would have on the district or community (ie., A private school or charter school would increase enrollment loss and creating additional fiscal impacts to the district). 

At the Regular Board Meeting of May 13, 2021, the Board announced in open session receiving five proposals for the Glider property: four proposals to purchase the property, from City Ventures, Robson Homes, Toll Brothers, and True Life Companies, and one proposal to lease the site from Joe Wagner for a private school. Pursuant to the terms of the State waiver, the Board must select the proposer it wishes to negotiate with within 60 days of announcing proposals.

On June 17, 2021 the Board reported in open session that it directed staff to negotiate a purchase and sale agreement with True Life Companies. The Board selected True Life Companies because it was the highest in terms of purchase price, the proposed housing development would be consistent with the established housing in the Glider neighborhood, their qualifications to work with the local community and expressed commitment to public engagement in planning for the development of the site.

January 20, 2022 the Board of Trustees approved the purchase and sale agreement authorizing the sale of Glider to True Life Companies. 


Glider generates $26.6 million to help protect Students, Staff and Programs
Maintain lower class sizes​ 
Visual & Performing Arts (VPA)
Middle School Sports and Electives 
Instructional Coaches
Special Ed Program Specialists
Community Liaisons
Middle School Secretaries
Library Services
Music Programs
Teacher Coaches 
English Learner Teacher Partners
Learning Assessment Tools (iReady)