English Language Development (ELD)
Oak Grove School District, acknowledging the language diversity of its students, provides an instructional program for eligible students that will assure them an equal opportunity to participate in Common Core State Standards, the English Language Development Standards as they prepare for high school. college and 21st Century careers.
The Oak Grove School District serves a large population of students who use other languages in their homes and are limited in their English proficiency. The District supports an English language development (ELD) program that provides a means for English Learners (EL) students to acquire English skills and academic proficiencies needed to succeed in school. The staff and administration recognize the need for specialized instructional strategies for students with two languages. The primary goal for English Learners is the early acquisition of the English language skills of comprehension, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each English Learner will receive daily designated and integrated English Language Development instruction designed to increase communicative competence aligned to the Common Core and ELD Standards.
Students are identified for services based upon their scores on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). This instrument is used for initial placement and annual assessment, and is aligned with California ELD standards.
ELD Archives
For ELPAC records requests please contact us by Fax or
E-mail at:
(Fax) 408-227-7482