Core Curriculum TK-8th grade
Oak Grove School District Board Approved Core Curriculum for All Students
Board Policy 6542: Oak Grove School District, in partnership with our Board of Trustees, desires to offer a comprehensive, balanced instructional program that ensures that all students have the skills necessary to be college and career ready. For each grade level, Common Core State Standards will be taught through the use of board approved materials and curriculum. Teachers are encouraged to use a variety of instructional strategies to accomodate the needs of students. The Board of Trustees supports the use of supplementary instructional materials which are relevant to curriculum objectives and compatible with District goals and objectives. By using such materials, teachers can introduce content and instructional strategies that enrich the curriculum, enhance learning, help students make critical judgements, and stimulate their intellectual growth. However, supplemental materials are not meant to replace or supplant the High Quality Instructional Materials that the Board of Trustees have approved and adopted for primary use in the classroom. The following curriculum materials are provided to (but not limited to) all Structured English Immersion (non dual-language), General Education Classrooms.
Board Approved District Adopted Core Curriculum by Grade Level
Math | ELA | Social Studies/History | Science |
K-8: enVision Math Learn More: K-5
K-2: Core Knowledge |
K-5: Studies Weekly |
TK-8: Twig Science |
3-8: Expeditionary Learning |
6-8: Discovery |
Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) |
Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) began in 2013 for Grades TK-3, and has since expanded to 4th-6th grade at selected sites. The SEAL instructional model integrates science and social studies content with literacy and language through key instructional strategies in trained teachers' classrooms. |